he origin of Unani Medicine is traced back to ancient Egypt and Babylon. The studies of Papyri clearly show the ability of the Egyptians in the field of Medicine. Later on the Greeks developed the art of medicine in the light of medical knowledge of Egyptians and Babylonians. Hippocrates (460–370 BC) was the dominating figure of the classical period of Greek medical history. By searching the natural causes of disease and recording the existing knowledge, the the scientific ground for Medicine set up by Hippocrates. The contributions of Herophilus in the field of anatomy cannot be ignored. Dioscrides (40-90 AD) was the first person to write an illustrated book comprising of 600 herbal drugs i.e Kitab al Hashaish
After Hippocrates, a Roman scholar, physician & philosopher Galen (129-200 AD), stabilized the foundation of this science. After the Greek and Roman period, the manifestation of this medicine in the Arab lands, led to its greater growth as the Arab physicians not only adopted the existing knowledge but also contributed through their valuable observations and interventions in the field. Arabs contributed immensely to the field of material medica and this can be viewed in Ibn Baitar’s work i.e Kitab al Jami li Mufradat al Adwiya wa al Aghziya comprising 1400 drugs. Some of the well-known pharmacologists of this period were Ibn Wafid, Ibn Juljul, etc. Obstetrics and paediatrics took a definite shape through the efforts of Arab scholars. Abul Qasim Zahrawi, a Spanish Unani scholar has done a quantum of work in the field of Surgery. His work, Kitab al Tasrif is an appreciable one. From Uzbekistan, Ibn e Sina‘s contributions in the field of Unani Medicine is remarkable. His work Al Qanun Fil Tibb is a masterpiece. In the medieval period, the caravan of Unani Medicine went far and wide, going beyond the Arab region, covering Persia, Spain, Northern Africa, Turkey, Central Asia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Uzbekistan, and Indian Subcontinent.
onsidering the importance of contributions of Greeks in the development of basic concepts of Tibb, the Indian scholars named this system of Medicine as Unani Medicine or Tibb i Unani.
Unani Medicine came to India in the eighth century and developed as a comprehensive medical system due to multi-pronged original contribution and new applications by scholars of successive generations. During its history of over 1200 years in India, Unani Medicine made major advancements to get leadership at the global level and scholars contributed a lot in translation of classical Unani works into Urdu language as well as correlation of philosophy of Unani Medicine with the concepts of modern sciences. Due to the contributions of Hakim Azam Khan, Hakim Sharif Khan, Hakim Ajmal Khan and many more, the system kept progressing and flourishing with greater pace. The Sharifi Family of Delhi, the Azizi family of Lucknow and the Nizam of Hyderabad played a significant role in the development of Unani Medicine during 19th and early 20th century.
Although, Unani Medicine is presently being practiced in Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, South Africa, UAE, Kuwait, but, India has emerged as a global leader in Unani Medicine with its wide network of quality educational institutions, R&D organizations, extensive healthcare facilities and quality drug manufacturing industries.
“The Unani system is recognized by the WHO for a long period and also by the regulatory authorities of various countries where it is being officially recognized and practiced with the name of Unani Medicine including India.”